List of main people to inform of a death:
- Banks / Building societies
- Mortgage provider
- Equity / Loan companies
- Credit card provider
- Store card providers
- Any other savings accounts (e.g. Post Office)
- Premium Bonds
- Hire Companies
- Landlords
- Friendly Societies
- Insurance providers – buildings, contents, health, car, pet, travel etc.
- Passport Service
- Tax Office
- Electricity provider
- Gas provider
- Water provider
- Telephone Company
- Mobile phone
- Cable / Internet provider
- Royal Mail redirection / mail suppression
- Council tax
- Housing benefit
- Electoral Registration
- Adult Social Services
- Private care
- Blue badge / travel concessions
- Library
- Pension providers
- Trade Union membership / professional organisations
- DWP (State pension, pension credit, attendance allowance, DLA, carer’s allowance, incapacity benefit, income support, jobseeker’s allowance, employment support allowance, Universal credit)
- Child Support agency
- UK Border Agency
- Court Services
- Doctor
- Hospital
- Dentist
- Travel agent / airline if holiday booked
- Return any medical equipment
- Council Children’s Services
- Child Tax Credit / Working tax Credit / Child Benefit
- Student loan company
- Club memberships
- Magazine subscriptions
- Mail order catalogues
- Milk deliveries
- Meal delivery services
- Gardening services
- Window cleaners
- House cleaners
- Contractors booked for future work
- Online shopping accounts